"> Best Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Doctors in Turkey

Best Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Doctors in Turkey

Chest and abdominal wall defects are one of the complications that may occur congenitally or may occur later. These complications, wherever they occur in life, disrupt the physical aesthetics. Because in such cases, a visible pit or protrusion occurs in the chest or abdomen of the patients. The treatment of this problem is shaped depending on the condition of the patient.

Chest and abdominal wall defects, which are known as shoemaker's breast, pigeon's breast and similar names among the people, are generally perceived as an aesthetic disorder. However, it should be known that people who have this problem, especially children, may experience difficulty in breathing and internal organ pain. All details that are curious and need to be known about chest and abdominal wall defects are explained in detail in the following headings.

What are Chest and Abdominal Defects?

Chest and abdomen defects, also known as Poland syndrome, which are usually congenital but can occur in later periods, mostly occur due to developmental failure in the mother's womb. Patients with this condition may have pits or protrusions in their chest or abdomen. Depending on how this appearance is and the condition of the patient, treatments can be applied.

The diagnosis of the disease can be made easily by physical examination. Because, as we mentioned before, people with this disease have a visible protrusion or dimple. However, if the doctor has doubts, it is possible that different tests can be applied to clarify the diagnosis. After the full diagnosis is made, the doctors decide how to proceed and start the treatment.

Which Area Deals with Chest and Abdominal Defects?

People who have or suspect chest and abdominal defects wonder which doctor they should go to. In this context, people who observe conditions such as pits and protrusions in the abdomen or chest areas should first go to the internal medicine doctor. Internal medicine doctors will make the necessary examinations and ensure that the patient is referred to the relevant areas.

People diagnosed with chest and abdominal defects should see their aesthetic and plastic surgeon. Specialists operating in the field of aesthetics will support the physical idealization of patients and undertake the necessary surgical operations in this context. The treatment of this ailment is of great importance both in terms of physical appearance and health. For this reason, it is recommended that patients see a doctor and be examined.

What is Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Surgery?

Chest and abdominal wall defects surgery is the name given to the operations performed to correct the appearance of abdominal or chest groans and protrusions, which are generally congenital but have no genetic link. These operations are shaped depending on the condition of the wall defects. However, the most performed and advanced operation in this context is Nuss surgery. Surgery is decided by considering the patient's age, which wall defect problem, and the severity of the problem.

How is Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Surgery Performed?

Surgical operations are mostly performed to treat gastroschisis or abdominal wall disorders. At this point, many people wonder how these surgeries are performed. How the surgeries will be performed varies completely depending on the patient's condition. For example; Nuss surgery is applied for the inward shape of the chest part, which is also called as shoemaker's chest, considering the degree of deformity of the patient. If the patient's chest is shaped outward (pigeon chest), surgical modified ravitch or abramson surgeries can be used.

These surgeries can take between 30 minutes and 90 minutes. Although these operations are completed in a short time, it is necessary to be very careful during the healing process. Otherwise, unexpected complications may occur. For this reason, it is preferred that patients who have these surgeries be kept under observation in the hospital for a few days.

The operations of chest and abdominal wall defects and diseases are determined entirely depending on the patient's condition. The condition of the disease may also cause a change in the type of surgery. For this reason, those who want to get clear information will definitely need to be examined. After the diagnosis is made and the operation is performed, the patient is required to remain under surveillance for at least 4 to 5 days.

Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Surgery with Aesthetic Surgery

Complications in the walls of the abdomen and chest area can cause visual disturbances in people. In order to eliminate these problems, aesthetic operations are applied. Specialists operating in the field of aesthetics can perform multiple surgeries in order to reduce the protrusions on the chest or abdomen to the normal level and to increase the pits to the normal level. As a result of the surgeries, patients can easily reach the ideal appearance.

To summarize briefly, chest and abdominal wall defects; It can be named in many ways such as pectus excavatum, gastroschisis, pigeon chest, Poland syndrome. There are several types of these diseases. At this point, after the examination procedures, the type of abdominal and chest wall defects can be determined. Considering the patient's condition, the operation method is given and the operation is performed.

What are the Advantages of Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects Surgery?

Defects in the chest or abdominal wall greatly affect daily life. These negative effects seen in patients are not only related to aesthetics. In addition, the pressure on the rib cage can make breathing difficult. Thanks to the surgical interventions performed in order to eliminate these and many such complications, patients can gain many advantages. These;

  • The self-confidence of patients directly increases.
  • The feeling of shame is reduced.
  • After the surgery, patients can return to their normal lives in a short time.
  • Patients who choose loose clothing due to physical abnormalities can start to dress as they want.
  • Problems such as difficulty breathing and squeezing due to the curvatures of the patients are completely eliminated.

As can be seen from the list above, people with chest and abdominal wall defects can improve their quality of life with appropriate surgeries. In this way, the problems that normally hinder their lives to a great extent are eliminated. In order to eliminate the problems experienced, all you need to do is to meet with the aesthetic doctors as an examination to the relevant departments. Afterwards, the doctors will inform you and the details of the operation will be discussed.

Postoperative Process for Chest and Abdominal Wall Defects

Chest and abdominal wall defects are surgeries that take a short time but require care afterward. People who have these surgeries must stay in the hospital for a few days and be discharged depending on their condition. In addition, the doctor's recommendations should be listened to and it will be necessary to go to the hospital again for routine check-ups on the dates specified by the doctor. In this process, it is very inconvenient to use drugs unconsciously and to take such wrong actions.

As a result of the operations performed, constipation may occur due to the effect of anesthesia. Although constipation often goes away on its own, doctors may prescribe some medications during hospitalization so that patients do not have difficulty. In addition, doing sports, lifting weights and returning to a brisk life without the approval of a doctor are among the very objectionable behaviors.



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