"> Best Knee and Hip Replacement Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Best Knee and Hip Replacement Surgery Doctors in Turkey

A knee replacement is known as the preferred treatment method for calcifications that develop with a disruption of the cartilage of the knee joint. During this operation, the inner parts of the damaged joint surface are removed in accordance with the technique and artificial surfaces called prostheses are placed in their place.

The hip joint consists of a ball and socket. Hip surgery is known as a procedure in which the damaged ball and the socket are replaced with durable and new synthetic structures that have a similar property to themselves. Thus, the patient regains his health and gets rid of all his complaints in a short time. 

Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery is performed by qualified and experienced orthopedic doctors. The specialist doctor first examines you depending on the complaints and then applies the most appropriate one for you among the treatment methods. Prosthetic surgery is among the most effective and reliable methods of treatment.

What is a Knee & Hip Replacement?

A knee replacement is used to treat a knee joint that is largely damaged, causing loss of function, pain, and inflammation. In operations where the knee joint is replaced with a prosthetic joint, cartilage tissue and damaged bone are cleaned. Then they are replaced by special structures containing metal alloys.

Knee prostheses are divided into total prostheses and partial prostheses. If calcification has occurred in only one part of the knee joint, partial prostheses are preferred. However, if more than one area of the knee is calcified, total knee prostheses are used.

A hip replacement is used if the hip joint is severely calcified and damaged. thanks to this method of treatment, which has been applied for more than 70 years, patients can regain their health. This procedure is also popularly known as a total hip decthesis.

Hip replacement can be applied to patients of all ages. However, for people aged 20-40 years, this method is much more effective. In addition to all this, hip replacement therapy is not applied to people with dementia, people with mental illness, and patients with an ongoing infection in the hip. Patients who have various problems with their knees and hips can easily get rid of these problems, thanks to Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery.

Which Department Deals with Knee & Hip Replacement?

In order to have Knee & Hip Prosthesis Surgery, a specialist must first examine you and then find you suitable for surgery. Therefore, patients who feel discomfort in their knees and hips are wondering which department of hospitals they should go to.

If you have complaints such as loss of function and pain in your knee or hip, you should make an appointment with the Orthopedics department in no time. In order to make an appointment, you can use the MHRS line if you wish, or you can call the 182 line. After making an appointment, you should be in the hospital at the exact time and see an Orthopedist.

After examining you, the orthopedist will make a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment method for you. If it is deemed necessary to have surgery, you will be given a surgery date. On the specified date, your surgery will take place and you will regain your health. 

Surgery for calcification of the knee and hip is not the only option. Doctors may also want to operate on you using different methods. Which treatment method will be used for you may vary depending on your age, the progress of your disease, and your specific conditions.

What is Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery?

Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery is applied to patients who have health problems such as calcification in their knees and hips. These treatment methods, which have been applied for many years, have fewer risks with the help of specially produced tools with the development of technology. 

Early detection is of great importance for both operations. In cases where the diagnosis is delayed, disruptions may also occur in other healthy structures of the patient. This increases the difficulty of the operation and reduces the success rate. For this reason, patients should be examined by contacting a medical institution as soon as they experience symptoms.

Knee and hip replacement surgeries are performed by specialized orthopedists. As with any surgery, these surgeries may have some risks in themselves. However, thanks to the equipment and tools produced in accordance with the purpose, the probability of complications at the time of surgery is quite low.

How is Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery Performed?

Before performing knee replacement surgery, the patient is anesthetized. Then, a cannula is placed on the patient's hand or arm to allow him to take medication. After making sure that the patient does not experience pain and soreness, the knee area is sterilized with the help of a special solution.

The process of covering the surfaces of the knee joint takes about 1 hour. Implants are attached to the bones and adjustment of the ligaments is performed. First of all, the applied prostheses are temporary. If there are no problems, the main prostheses that are permanent are placed. After all the operations are performed, the incision is closed and a drain is inserted into the wound.

Before performing hip replacement surgery, the patient is anesthetized. Then, an incision is made in the required areas and the damaged bones are removed and prostheses are added in their place. After the prostheses are inserted, the necessary suturing operations are performed and the patient is removed to his room for rest.

Since Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery takes place under general anesthesia, the patient will not feel any pain and soreness. After these operations, the patient returns to his daily life within a few weeks and continues to engage in activities as he wishes. The duration of the patient's rest in the hospital is several days. This period may vary depending on the difficulty of the operation and the patient's condition.

Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery with Microsurgery

The microsurgical method is not used when performing Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery. At the time of surgery, the damaged bones are removed from the body and artificial structures are added in their place. These structures are supported by various metals. The patient may have to walk with the help of crutches for a certain time after the operation.

The techniques used in knee and hip replacement surgeries have been proven. This operation is quite reliable and effective. But specialist doctors always consider surgery as a last resort. If there is a treatment that can be applied other than surgery, this treatment is applied first. However, patients who do not respond to other treatments are taken to surgery.

What are the Advantages of Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery with Microsurgery?

Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery provides many advantages to patients. These advantages are listed below.

  • The prosthesis can be used for many years.
  • There is no age limit for surgery.
  • Conditions such as pain and loss of function experienced before surgery improve.
  • Thanks to anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain and soreness at the time of surgery.
  • Thanks to the tools manufactured in accordance with the purpose, organs and structures that are outside the target structure are not damaged.
  • The probability of complications is extremely low.
  • It is the most effective and reliable method.

Knee and hip replacement surgeries performed using new techniques provide all these advantages.

The Process After Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery with Micro Surgery

After Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery, you need to go to your room and rest. The time that should be spent in the hospital is 1-2 days. After discharge, you will need crutches or a walker to walk. Leaving these tools after about 4 weeks, you will be able to walk on your own.

After the operation, your doctor will ask you to come for a check-up at specific intervals and give you some medications to use. You should use these medications regularly and do not disrupt your control. Otherwise, your recovery period will be significantly extended.

It may take up to 6 weeks for patients to fully recover. However, this period may vary from person to person. After the operation, your doctor will inform you about all the necessary issues and make various recommendations.



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