"> Best Myoma Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Best Myoma Surgery Doctors in Turkey

Myoma Surgery


Myomectomy is a surgery to take the papillary tumor, another name is ‎fibroid, in the muscle of the uterus. The method of the myomectomy ‎changes according to the type, the size, the number, and the location of ‎the myomas. Tumors cause often aches and extremely menstrual blood. ‎Also, they can impact the getting pregnant. They can degenerate or get ‎infected. So, the doctor can consider that s/he must take the tumor ‎with a surgical operation.‎


The women who are overage the giving birth can be recommended a ‎hysterectomy. Tumors are classified according to their location. The ‎locations are below:‎

‎ ‎

Tumors in the intramural means wall of the womb

Tumors in the submucosal means mucosa of the womb

Tumors in the ‎subserosa mean on the outside wall of the womb.‎


An intramural fibroid is the most common type. Submucosal tumors tend ‎to extremely ‎ache and menstrual blood. Subserosa tumors sometimes ‎seem like long and thick sticks.‎


What is myoma?‎

Myoma is a tumor that occurs in the womb or around it, is smooth, ‎and isn't ‎a cancer feature.‎ The fibroid tumor is common, and it can be treated ‎should be known if the doctor decides on the myoma.‎


Myomas occur partly on the muscle tissues, hardly ever on the cervix. ‎The doctors can feel and see myoma during the pelvic examination. ‎Causative symptoms can be taken with the myoma surgical operation or ‎the invasive procedures. Most myomas cause the symptom at one point. ‎The most common is an ache or irregular vaginal bleeding.‎

Extreme bleeding


Tiredness and weakness

Aching related

Pelvic messes

Pelvic ache


If the myomas get infected, there is bleeding or secretion from the ‎vagina

Feeling tightness or globus in rare cases

Myoma can inhibit urinating and urinating can be difficult.‎

The women who have got myoma, have got the higher urinary tract ‎infection. The large myomas cause the embolization of the urinary tract. ‎The injuries can occur in the prolapsus myomas which is an infection, ‎bleeding, or both of them. Prolapsus myomas can embolite the urinary ‎flow. Myoma affects %20 of the women in the childbearing age group. ‎


What is Myoma Surgery?‎


The uterus can protect when its muscle is repaired and myomas are taken. ‎This process is called myoma surgery or myomectomy. Myomectomy ‎can be operated as an open cut or laparoscopic. Most specialties ‎believe that the largest myoma which is almost 9-10 cm needs to be ‎taken as laparoscopic. The necessary points about myomectomy are ‎below:‎


If there are myomas of four or less than it, the probability of regrowing the ‎myomas is around %10 in five years after myomectomy.‎

If there are myomas of more than four, the probability of regrowing the ‎myomas is more than twice.‎

If there are myomas of more than four or five, tests such as ultrasound ‎and MRI can’t count them exactly.‎

So, the exact number of the existing myomas and the probability of the ‎regrowing after myomectomy can’t be determined until myomectomy ‎surgery starts.‎

Adherence or injury tissue occurs after myomectomy and can ‎cause aches and childbearing problems.‎


Which Department is Interested in Myoma Surgery?‎

The patient needs to cut out some medicine that s/he takes before ‎myoma surgery which the gynecology and obstetrics department is interested ‎in. the patient should give information about all medicine including ‎vitamins, supplements, and medicines being sold nonprescription. If the ‎patient smokes a cigarette, the patient is advised to stop smoking. ‎Because smoking cigarettes can get slow the healing process and ‎increase the risk of cardiovascular events. The patient needs to stop ‎drinking and eating before the operation until midnight.‎


How is myoma surgery operated on?‎

The doctor can want to ultrasound to determine the myomas exactly. ‎S/he wants some blood test if the patient is anemia or not. ‎Extremely tiredness, breathlessness, pale skin, and weak resistance ‎to infection can say as symptoms of anemia. Also, a urinary ‎test says if there is an infection in the urinary system.‎

The anesthesiologist checks the patient if s/he is available to get general ‎anesthesia or not. If the patient isn’t available, s/he can operate  ‎with spinal or epidural anesthesia. A medicine that the patient will be ‎felt sleepy is injected and the inscriptions are dried.‎


Myoma surgery or myomectomy can be operated on using one of three ‎methods:‎

Abdominal myomectomy is an operation in which a surgeon takes the ‎myomas via an open cut on the hypogastrium.‎

Laparoscopic myomectomy ‎is an operation in which a surgeon takes the ‎myomas via a few little incisions. S/he can do this using robot. It is less ‎invasive than abdominal myomectomy and healing is faster.‎

Hysteroscopic myomectomy ‎is an operation in which a surgeon takes the ‎myomas from the vagina and cervix by using a special binocular.‎

‎ ‎

Myoma surgery is an option for women who want to pregnant in ‎the future or don’t want to be taken the uterus because for another ‎reason. Myomectomy is different from a hysterectomy that takes the ‎whole uterus takes the myomas but leaves the uterus in there. ‎The myomectomy method is advised by the doctor bases on the size ‎of the myomas and their location.‎

If there are a lot of and so big myoma on the wall of the womb, ‎abdominal myomectomy ‎can be the best.‎

If there are fewer and smaller myomas, laparoscopic myomectomy ‎can be ‎better.‎

If there are smaller myomas in the womb, hysteroscopic myomectomy ‎can be better.‎

The stomach myomectomy scar is on your around 2.5 cm under the stomach. ‎This scar loses in time. The scar can be unfeeling or sensitive for a few ‎months. But it reduces over time. The doctor advises opening the scar for ‎healing again. The scar that is because of the laparoscopic myomectomy ‎can come out when a bikini or short top is worn. These scars which are ‎smaller than the scar of abdominal myomectomy lose in time.‎


What are the benefits of Myoma Surgery?‎

It protects the childbearing and makes the womb turn normal. ‎The doctor can advise the myomectomy of the patient which to ‎be pregnant in the future. Myomas are taken but the healthy tissue of ‎the uterus is left.‎

The repeating probability of the fibroid in the women who get close ‎the menopause is pretty low. Myomectomy becomes a common surgery ‎because women want to protect their uterus.‎


The process after the Myoma Surgery


Most women stay in hospital for around one or three days after the ‎surgeon cut the womb, takes the myomas on the wall of the womb, and ‎sews the womb muscle layer. The doctor can give medicine to treat the ‎problem. Also, the patient can experience maculation for a few days or ‎weeks.‎

The duration of the waiting for the normal activity depends on the ‎methods. Open surgery has got the longest healing process. The healing ‎process for each method is below:‎


Around 4-6 weeks for abdominal myomectomy

Around 2-4 weeks for laparoscopic myomectomy ‎

Around 2-3 days for‎ hysteroscopic myomectomy


The patient doesn’t have to carry a heavy thing or hard-working out ‎until the cuts heal exactly. The doctor tells when the patient can turn the ‎activities. Each surgery can be risky. This surgery’s risks are rare, but ‎they are below:‎


Extremely bleeding

Damage organs that are close

Hole in the uterus

Injury tissue which causes the childbearing problems and occludes the ‎uterine tube

The new myomas are needed for another method.‎

The patient has to call the doctor if she has got the symptom below:‎

Extremely bleeding


Extremely pain

Difficult on the breath out and in‎.



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