"> Best Women Infertility Treatment Doctor in Turkey

Best Women Infertility Treatment Doctor in Turkey

Infertility treatment in women is applied in cases where women who are sexually active and do not use contraceptive methods cannot conceive within 1 year. Infertility problem is widely observed in every country around the world. Therefore, the demand for infertility treatment is quite high, including in Turkey. There are hundreds of thousands of women who have been treated for infertility and become pregnant.

The gynecologist first considers the factors that will cause infertility in women and performs the necessary examinations. Then, depending on the reasons, he decides which treatment to apply. The most appropriate and high success rate treatment method for the patient is applied by the physician. Depending on the type of treatment, the methods and the time it will take to reach the result will vary.

What is Infertility?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as the inability of couples who are sexually active but do not practice any contraceptive methods to obtain pregnancy within 1 year. Infertility, which is a clinical health problem, can occur in both men and women. As we age, the chances of fertility decrease in women and fertilization in men decrease. For both sexes, fertility loss reaches 75 percent after their 40s. 

Since infertility treatment in men can be easier, they are checked first in couples. Infertility problem in women can be caused by structural disorders, myomas, polyps or adhesions in the uterus. Even if the embryo falls into the uterus, pregnancy cannot occur because it cannot hold on to the uterine wall there, or miscarriage occurs during early pregnancy. However, the most common cause is congestion in the tubes. Congestion prevents the egg from reaching the uterus. 

What Area Is Infertility Looking At?

Since infertility is related to the reproductive organs, gynecology and the field of birth in women and urology in men are interested. Couples are primarily given some tests. Then the treatment method is determined depending on the problem. If infertility in women is caused by tube obstruction, the physician sends special drugs to the tubes. Then these drugs are monitored by X-ray and congestion is detected. Laparoscopy, which is a closed surgical procedure, can also be applied to view the inside of the abdomen in detail with the camera. 

The physician controls the hormones on the first day of the menstrual cycle and before menstruation, he controls the uterus through both ultrasound and endometrial biopsy. Imaging methods called obstetrician and gynecologist hysterosalpingography are used to solve structural problems such as uterine curtain or double uterus presence. Featuring fiber optic light, the hysterospscope offers the opportunity to easily diagnose myomas and polyps in addition to structural disorders. 

What is infertility treatment in women?

Treatment of infertility in women varies depending on the source of the disorder. Women who try to conceive but have not succeeded are treated as determined by the obstetrician and gynecologist. Symptoms of infertility include menstruation, menstrual irregularity, severe pain and pain during menstruation, milk coming from breasts when pregnancy is not possible, excessive weight gain and acne problems due to hormone disorder and excessive hair loss.

How is infertility (infertility) treated in women?

Treatment of infertility in women varies depending on the underlying problem. The most common methods of infertility treatment in women are as follows.

1. Ovulation Induction (Ovulation Treatment)

If there is ovulation irregularity or if the cause of female infertility cannot be determined, ovulation induction, also called ovulation therapy, is applied. The purpose of the treatment is for the woman to lay eggs regularly every month. The physician recommends that there be a union on days when the chance of pregnancy is high. Pills can be used orally or needles can be made under the skin. Treatment lasts 3 or 6 months, other methods are tried if pregnancy does not occur when completed.

2. IVF Treatment (ICSI, IVF) 

IVF treatment, as the name suggests, is used if both tubes are blocked. Eggs and sperm are taken separately from the male and female and brought together in a laboratory environment. The egg is expected to grow for 3 – 5 days after fertilization. The resulting embryo is carefully placed in the woman's uterus. In couples, IVF treatment is also preferred if the male's sperm count is low. 

3. İntrauterin İnseminasyon (IUI) 

Another common method of infertility treatment in women is intrauterine insemination. In this method, sperm collected from the male is placed in the uterus of the ovulation woman. For the application of ovulation and vaccination method, at least 1 tube should be open in females. If both tubes are closed, vaccination treatment cannot be tried, instead IVF treatment is performed.

4. Surgical Interventions

If the cause of infertility is the disease of the fallopian tubes, surgical interventions can be performed to relieve congestion in the area or to repair the tubes. Depending on the competence of the obstetrician and gynecologist, the success rate of the operation increases to 20 percent. The risk of pregnancy outside the uterus increases after this operation, which covers the fallopian tubes. Surgical operations, in addition, are used to destroy polyps, scars or uterine fibroids.

Causes of Infertility in Women

Infertility (infertility) treatment in women is most commonly applied due to problems such as tube obstruction, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), chocolate cyst (endometriosis) and egg disorders. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs in women as a result of over-production of androgen, also known as the male hormone. In addition, the patient's obeseness or insulin resistance may cause POCS. 

At the same time, causes of infertility include commonly irregular menstrual cycle, destruction or congestion in the tubes, adhesion or obstruction of the fallopian tubes, reduced ovarian reserve and intra-abdominal operations. Liver disorders, late puberty, diabetes, menstruation, excessive caffeine consumption, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption also result in infertility. Uterine myomas are also among the causes of infertility, these are benign tumors that form in the uterine wall. 

What are the Advantages of Infertility Treatment in Women?

According to researches, 10 – 15 percent of couples are affected by infertility. With the advancing age, the demand for infertility treatment increases. Infertility is a health problem and the cause can be one thing, as well as multiple factors at the same time can negatively affect the patient. There are numerous effective and reliable treatment methods to overcome infertility. 

Infertility treatment in women allows couples to conceive and have children as they aim. In this respect, both men and women feel good psychologically. Physiological disorders that occur in women are resolved in the treatment of infertility if necessary. 

Process After Infertility (Infertility) Treatment in Women

After infertility treatment in women, pills and medications given by the physician are used if necessary, however, sexual intercourse is performed on days when the chance of pregnancy is high. The risk of multiple pregnancies increases, which refers to the birth of twins, triplets or more children in the single west. At the same time, an increase in preterm birth and other pregnancy complications is observed. 

Some drugs used to treat infertility can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This refers to excessive spawning in the ovaries. Women may experience excessive tension in the abdomen, moderate pain and nausea. Usually the symptoms end within 1 week. Infection and bleeding can be seen especially in reproductive techniques.



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